A Guide to Sales Targeting in 2024

+ 4 Sales Targeting Tools

Best sales targeting tools in 2024

What is Sales Targeting?

What is sales targeting?
Question mark?

Have you wondered why after all that work, most of your leads are still not the right fit for your business?

Not all leads are equal.

Sales targeting is a strategic approach in marketing and sales that involves focusing efforts on a specific group of potential customers who are more likely to be interested in a product or service.

Rather than taking a broad and generic approach, sales targeting aims to identify and prioritize certain segments of the market that are most likely to convert into customers. 

To do this, one must understand the characteristics, needs, and behaviors of the target audience.

6 Components of Sales Targeting for Effective Outreaching

Picture of Customer Segmentation

Customer Segmentation

Identifying and categorizing potential customers into distinct groups based on demographics, behaviors, preferences, and other relevant criteria.

This segmentation helps in customizing marketing messages and strategies for each specific group.

Picture of Ideal Customer Profile (ICP)

Ideal Customer Profile (ICP)

Developing a detailed profile of the ideal customer by considering factors such as industry, company size, job title, pain points, and challenges. This profile serves as a guide for targeting efforts towards customers who are the best fit for the product or service.

Picture of Data Analysis

Data Analysis

Utilizing data and analytics to gain insights into customer behavior, preferences, and trends. Analyzing this data helps in making informed decisions about where to direct sales and marketing resources for maximum impact.

Picture of Personalized Marketing

Personalized Marketing

Creating targeted and personalized marketing campaigns that speak directly to the needs and interests of the identified customer segments. This can include personalized content, messaging, and offers.

Picture of Multi-Channel Approach

Multi-Channel Approach

Implementing a multi-channel approach to reach potential customers through various platforms such as social media, email, content marketing, and more. This ensures that the target audience is reached through channels they prefer and frequent.

Picture of Evaluation for Effectiveness

Evaluation for Effectiveness

Regularly reviewing and refining the sales targeting strategy based on performance metrics and feedback. This iterative process allows for optimization and adaptation to changes in the market or customer behavior.

What are the Different Types of Sales Targeting?

Sales targeting strategies

Sales targeting involves directing your marketing and sales efforts toward specific groups of potential customers. Diversifying your sales targeting strategies allows you to focus on relevant segments.

Consider these 6 key types of sales targeting to create your ideal customer profiles:

Demographic Targeting
Demographic Targeting

Segmenting the market based on demographic factors such as age, gender, income, education, marital status, and other measurable characteristics. This helps tailor marketing messages to specific groups.

Geographic Targeting
Geographic Targeting

Focusing on customers in a particular geographic area, whether it’s a specific city, region, or country. This approach is valuable for businesses with products or services that have regional relevance.

Behavioral Targeting
Behavioral Targeting

Analyzing customer behaviors, including their online activities, purchase history, and interactions with a brand. This type of targeting allows businesses to personalize marketing messages based on individual behaviors.

Psychographic Targeting
Psychographic Targeting

Segmenting the market based on psychological and lifestyle factors such as interests, values, attitudes, and personality traits. This helps create marketing messages that resonate with the target audience’s motivations and preferences.

Product-Based Targeting
Product-Based Targeting

Focusing on customers interested in a particular product or product category. This approach tailors marketing messages to highlight the features and benefits of specific offerings.

Channel-Based Targeting
Channel-Based Targeting

Directing marketing efforts toward specific channels or platforms where the target audience is most active. This can include social media platforms, email marketing, or other communication channels.

Why is Sales Targeting Important in 2024?

Importance of sales targeting in 2024

By identifying and focusing on your target customers, you can use your time and resources more efficiently, increase your conversion rates, boost your revenue, and gain a better understanding of your customers.

Here’s why you should consider building a sales targeting strategy before moving on to sales outreaching of any kind.

Efficient Resource Allocation
Efficient Resource Allocation

Sales targeting enables businesses to allocate their resources more efficiently. Instead of employing a one-size-fits-all approach, companies can direct their marketing and sales efforts toward specific customer segments that are more likely to convert.

Conversion Rates
Conversion Rates

By focusing on a well-defined and relevant audience, sales targeting increases the likelihood of converting leads into customers.

Tailoring messages to the specific needs, preferences, and pain points of the target audience enhances the resonance of marketing campaigns, ultimately driving higher conversion rates.

Customer Understanding
Customer Understanding

Sales targeting involves a deep understanding of the target audience, including their demographics, behaviors, and preferences.

This knowledge not only helps in crafting personalized marketing messages but also in developing products and services that better meet the needs of the customers.

Customer Retention
Customer Retention

Targeting the right audience fosters stronger connections with customers. When businesses understand their customers on a granular level, they can offer personalized experiences, loyalty programs, and ongoing engagement initiatives, contributing to higher customer retention rates.

Competitive Advantage
Competitive Advantage

A well-executed sales targeting strategy provides a competitive edge. Businesses that can effectively reach and engage their ideal customers are more likely to stand out in the market, especially if competitors are still using broad and undifferentiated marketing approaches.

Measurable Results
Measurable Results

Sales targeting allows for the measurement of specific key performance indicators (KPIs) related to targeted segments.

This data-driven approach enables businesses to analyze the success of their strategies, make informed decisions, and refine their targeting based on real-time insights.

Personalized Experiences
Personalized Experiences

Customers today value personalization. Sales targeting allows businesses to tailor their communication and offerings to individual customer segments, creating a more personalized and engaging experience. This personal touch enhances customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Adaptability to Market Changes
Adaptability to Market Changes

Markets are dynamic, and consumer preferences can change rapidly. Sales targeting provides a framework that allows businesses to adapt quickly to these changes.

By continuously analyzing data and market trends, companies can refine their targeting strategies to stay relevant.

Return on Investment (ROI)
Return on Investment (ROI)

Focusing on the most promising leads and high-potential customer segments maximizes the return on investment. Instead of spreading resources thinly across a broad market, businesses can concentrate their efforts where they are most likely to yield results.

Alignment with Goals
Alignment with Goals

Sales targeting ensures that marketing and sales efforts are aligned with overall business goals.

Whether the objective is to increase market share, launch a new product, or expand into a specific market segment, sales targeting provides a strategic roadmap to achieve these objectives.

5 Steps to Creating a Sales Targeting Strategy

Define Your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP)
Define Your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP)
The first step in creating a sales targeting strategy is to clearly define your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP). The ICP serves as a blueprint for identifying and targeting similar high-value prospects. Consider key characteristics of your most valuable and satisfied customers such as demographic information, industry, company size, location, job titles, pain points, and any other relevant factors.
Segment Your Audience
Segment Your Audience

Once you have a well-defined ICP, segment your broader audience based on shared characteristics. This allows you to tailor your marketing messages and sales approach to specific groups.

Consider factors such as industry, company size, geographic location, and buyer behavior. These segments will form the basis for your targeted campaigns.

Create Personalized Campaigns
Create Personalized Campaigns

Create personalized marketing campaigns tailored to each segment of your audience. Craft messages, content, and offers that speak directly to the needs and pain points of each segment.

Utilize various marketing channels, including email, social media, content marketing, and advertising, to reach your target audience where they are most active. Personalization enhances engagement and increases the likelihood of conversion.

Take a Multi-Channel Approach
Take a Multi-Channel Approach

Any given audience utilizes various channels to engage with content and information about products and services. Increase your visibility through social media, email, search engines, industry events, and more to help you connect with potential customers at different stages of the buying journey.

Evaluate and Refine
Evaluate and Refine

Continuously evaluate your working sales targeting strategy to see what’s working. Monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) related to each segment and campaign.

Regularly assess the effectiveness of your strategy, gather feedback, and adjust for evolving needs of your target audience and changes in the market.

How to Measure Success of Your Sales Targeting Strategy

How to measure success of sales strategy?

No strategy is complete without metrics to measure its effectiveness. Here are 7 key metrics and methods to help you assess the success of your sales targeting strategy.

Conversion Rate
Conversion Rate

Track the conversion rates for each targeted segment. Measure how many leads from each segment progress through the sales funnel and ultimately convert into paying customers.

A higher conversion rate indicates that your targeting strategy is resonating with the right audience.

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)
Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

This is the cost of acquiring a customer for each targeted segment. Compare this with the average customer lifetime value to ensure that your investment in targeting specific segments is yielding positive returns.

A decreasing CAC over time can indicate improved targeting efficiency.

Return on Investment (ROI)
Return on Investment (ROI)

Evaluate the overall return on investment for your sales targeting strategy. Consider the revenue generated from the targeted segments against the costs associated with marketing and sales efforts.

A positive ROI indicates that your strategy is contributing to the financial success of your business.

Customer Retention Rate
Customer Retention Rate

Monitor the retention rates of customers within each targeted segment. A successful targeting strategy not only acquires new customers but also retains existing ones.

High retention rates suggest that your strategy is aligning with the long-term needs and satisfaction of your target audience.

Lead Quality
Lead Quality
Assess the quality of leads generated from each targeted segment. Analyze how well these leads fit with your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP). If the leads are more qualified and closely match your ideal customer characteristics, it indicates a successful targeting strategy.
Customer Feedback
Customer Feedback

Gather feedback directly from customers within your targeted segments. Use surveys or customer interviews to understand their satisfaction levels, pain points, and expectations.

Positive feedback and high satisfaction scores indicate that your targeting strategy is meeting customer needs.

Web and Social Media Analytics
Web and Social Media Analytics

Analyze website and social media analytics to understand the engagement levels of your targeted segments.

Look at metrics such as website visits, time spent on pages, social media interactions, and click-through rates. Higher engagement suggests that your content resonates with the target audience.

4 Best Sales Targeting Tools in 2024

4 Best sales targeting tools in 2024

Several sales targeting tools are available to help businesses identify, reach, and engage with their target audience more effectively. The best tool for your needs may depend on factors such as your industry, business size, and your sales goals.

Here are 5 popular sales targeting tools with diverse features for segmentation, targeting and personalization.

Key Features:
Key Features:
LinkedIn Sales Navigator
Key Features:
Key Features:
Key Features:

Create Targeted Sales Lists with ReachStream

ReachStream is a B2B sales and marketing data platform which lets you build segmented contact lists for targeted sales outreach using 20+ contact and company insights.

Create a freemium account to start using the platform.

Step 1 :


Sign in to your ReachStream account.

Use custom contact and company filters in the left filter panel to select your ideal customer criteria. Filter with further segmentation criteria for targeted results.

Create targeted sales lists with ReachStream.
Step 2 :

View Profiles

From the search results, select contact or company profiles that match your ICPs to create segmented prospects lists. View their information by selecting the View Details icon.

B2B prospecting list

Each profile contains 20+ contact and company insights.

Step 3 :

Download List

View your list by going to View Selected Contacts. Click on Download Selected and your list will be downloaded in an XLS file. Import all 20+ data attributes to your CRM software.

Download targeted sales list

Try ReachStream for free. ReachStream Freemium offers all the features available on its premium plan, including advanced API access for developers.

Freemium $0 / month

Frequently Asked Questions

What is targeting in sales?

In sales, targeting involves identifying and directing sales and marketing efforts towards individuals or organizations that are more likely to be interested in a product or service.

Targeting aims to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of sales initiatives by tailoring messages and approaches to resonate with a predefined audience.

A sales target is a measurable goal set by a sales team to be achieved within a specified period. An example of a sales target could be to increase monthly sales revenue by 15%, acquire 50 new customers in the next quarter, or achieve a 20% growth in market share over the next year.

Setting effective sales targets involves 

  • Defining clear objectives, whether it’s revenue growth, customer acquisition or market expansion. 
  • Understanding your market and customer behavior to set realistic and achievable targets. 
  • Considering historical data to identify trends to inform your target-setting process. 
  • Aligning your targets with your business goals & objectives. 
  • Monitoring progress and adjusting targets based on measurable results. 

Research, data and strategic planning can help you find your sales targets. To do this, follow these steps: 

  • Define your ideal customer profile. 
  • Segment your target audience for targeted sales. 
  • Utilize data to understand customer behavior and identify potential targets.   
  • Evaluate market potential, market size and competitive landscape. 
  • Gather feedback from existing customers to understand their preferences. 
  • Analyse your competitors to identify gaps in the market where you can differentiate and target effectively. 

In Salesforce, a sales team refers to a group of individuals within an organization responsible for selling products or services. The sales team in Salesforce collaborates on deals, tracks communication with prospects, and utilizes various functionalities to streamline the sales process and drive revenue.

Location targeting in sales involves directing marketing and sales efforts toward specific geographic areas. This strategy recognizes that customer preferences, behaviors, and needs can vary based on location. 

Businesses use location targeting to tailor their messages and campaigns to resonate with the characteristics of a particular region, city, or demographic area to increase the relevance of their offerings.  

Account targeting, often associated with Account-Based Marketing (ABM), involves a focused strategy where sales and marketing teams collaborate to target and engage specific high-value accounts or customers. 

Instead of casting a wide net, account targeting identifies key accounts that align with the ideal customer profile. This approach emphasizes personalized and tailored efforts to nurture relationships, deliver targeted content, and ultimately drive sales with strategic accounts. 

Declan Gray
Declan GrayAuthor
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A highly driven Growth Hacker at ReachStream, Declan has spent the last 8 years as a branding and digital marketing specialist committed to leveraging data and technology for growth marketing.

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